Adam Magennis is a Foundational Director of Baluk Arts and Art Director of Kaptify. Adam has over 30 years experience as a Visual Artist and has specifically focused on developing the Kaptify Artist In Residency program over the past 7 years.
Adam is an active board member of Working Heritage Incorporated, a Qualified Archaeologist and Master Bricklayer. He is also a casual lecturer at La Trobe University in the Masters in Archaeology course and casual youth mentor at Bunjilwarra Healing Service . Adam's passion is geology and beach fossicking.
Adam grew up in Bayswater North and has lived in Mornington for the past 18 years. He went to Tinternvale Primary School, Ringwood Secondary College and Box Hill Tech. Kaptify Art is a unique style that Adam has developed and tinkered with over his journey as a Visual Artist. The Kaptify Art style is influenced by the works of Salvador Dali, the social sciences of archaeology and anthropology, the natural sciences and ecology and geology and the theory of cultural ecology
Material: Acrylic on canvas
Dimension: 30 x 42cm
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